Art Catalog CN-217
“A man or woman gives what they has – the rest belongs to the madness of art.” ---- Henry James (1843-1916)
Photography based imaginary achieves relevance by providing viewers with evidence of “how to do” perhaps expressing the photo commentary with images - hence strengthen an existing assumption and processing efforts required by same assumption of determining image degree of relevance principle so viewers recognize the intentions within images or the specific implicate. In example presenting images in clean sharp way - looks easy to read and learn often holds opposite effect – viewers forced to think about image – result viewers remember images longer. Robert Le Johnno 2012
Notice right usage terms – catalog CN 217 Public domain & open source. (本拍摄手记中图片资源可在公共领域中使用) (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)
(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)